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Hire with Jarvis has never been about just sending resumes or filling vacancies. Our team is on a mission to help our clients achieve greatness by putting the right people in the right seats at the right time.

One way we do this is with our Post Placement Follow-Up (PPF) process. Our unique PPF process sets us apart from other recruitment firms by ensuring each placement is not only a match on paper but also successful in their role!


What is Post Placement Follow-Up?

We recognize the nuances and complexities of new work environments and relationships, which is why our Post Placement Follow-Ups are designed to navigate and nurture these critical early stages.

This process involves regular communications with both the candidate and the client to confirm the right person has been placed in the right role.

Nathan Vidal, our Director of Revenue Operations, explains, “Post placement follow-up means we keep talking to both our client and the candidate we placed after matching them together. We want to make sure we not only placed the right person in the right position at the right time, but that they’re fitting into the role well and have everything they need to thrive!”

Post Placement Follow-Ups help new employees adjust to their jobs and ensure they and their employers are happy.


How We Support New Hires and Employers

Our consultants conduct Post Placement Follow Up with their clients and the candidates they place. We break PPF into three stages:

1. Before They Start

Between accepting the offer and starting in the role, we have daily chats with our candidate.

During this time, we are ensuring the candidate has successfully put in notice, turned down any counter offers, and pulled themselves out of any other interviews.

We’re also checking that any pre-employment checks & processes are completed on time.


2. First Two to Three Months

The first 60-90 days for any new employee set the stage for their time with their new employer. During this time, we conduct weekly check-ins with the employee and employer.

We check to make sure the candidate’s experience lines up with their expectations from the interview process.

These meetings also help us identify and solve any issues early on, making it easier for the new hire to adjust to their new role and work environment.


3. Continuous Check-In

After the initial onboarding period, we continue to stay in contact with our candidates and clients. After the first three months or so, we usually check in two to three times a quarter.

These check-up calls help us confirm the employee is doing well and remains satisfied with their job, and that the employer is happy with their performance.


Solving Problems Early Guarantees Success

“The early stages of a new job can be critical,” explains Vidal. “Many new hires hesitate to voice concerns with their supervisors early on. We bridge that gap by identifying and resolving issues before they escalate.”

Our consultants step in to identify and resolve these problems early on, which helps prevent bigger issues later, keeps the workplace stable, and reduces the chance of new hires leaving their jobs too soon.

For example, a candidate we placed was promised a standing desk during his interview process with our client, but they never got the desk after starting the job. He tried to get it sorted out with the company’s HR department but faced delays and unclear responses.

During PPF, the candidate told our consultant he was thinking about quitting because he felt that if the company didn’t keep its first promise, he couldn’t trust them to keep any others.

Our team stepped in and discovered he had been asking the wrong department. Once we directed him to the operations team, his issue was resolved in just a week.

This is just one example of how our follow-ups do more than just check on work progress.

We also resolve misunderstandings and make sure new hires have everything they need to be happy and successful in their new roles.

This thorough approach helps build trust and ensures both the new hires and their employers are satisfied.


Benefits of Post Placement Follow-Ups

Our follow-up process goes beyond the industry standard. While some recruiters consider their job done once a placement is made, we continue to support both our clients and their new employee.

Our clients appreciate our post placement follow-ups because it ensures new hires contribute positively and quickly to the team.

Our approach brings real advantages:

  • Smoother Onboarding: Our process acts as an additional layer on top of your current onboarding processes, ensuring documents are completed on time and that onboarding challenges are addressed and resolved.
  • Better employee performance: Ongoing support leads to more confident and effective staff. The more candidates we place with a client, the better this becomes!
  • Improved team dynamics: Supported employees are more likely to be engaged and contribute positively.
  • Increased productivity: Employees who feel supported from the start are better performers.
  • Reduced turnover: Catching and fixing issues early means new hires are more likely to stay.
  • Save money: Better retention means spending less on hiring and training.


Final Thoughts

At Hire with Jarvis, we’re dedicated to making sure each hire is a great addition to your team, not just on day one, but for the long haul.

Let us help you make sure every new team member is ready to succeed and grow with your company

Jarvis are global leaders in eCommerce, SaaS, and ERP recruiting. We have successfully sourced and recruited expert professionals for businesses of all sizes, ranging from startups to enterprise corporations. We help you put the right person in the right seat at the right time!

Reach out to us today, and let’s work together to make your company the success it should be.

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